Brand Management Services

Brand Management is the intersection of in-person marketing, social media marketing, email and text message marketing, and print marketing. It’s what happens when graphic design and copywriting have a baby, and it’s my specialty. I am the only digital marketing manager in Columbus, Ohio serving as your one-stop shop for everything from design to content creation to in-person event management.

All of my packages for management are custom quoted. Please fill out the form below.

Client Love

On Increasing Your Business’ Revenue

“A breath of fresh air.”

Autumn is my secret weapon in my business. She is so creative & helps me to stay on track with my projects. When Autumn takes on my graphic design, sets up emails, creates Facebook events & creates Pinterest pins, I am literally able to focus on MY zone of genius and bring in more income. Since hiring Autumn, I’ve been able to increase my monthly revenue by more than 25%. If you are looking to have more time to be able to focus on bringing in more revenue (or just have more time for yourself or your family), Autumn is your best bet!

– Natalie